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The benefits of milling your own flour at home

The Benefits of Milling Your Own Flour at Home

Have you considered milling your own flour at home? With rising interest in home cooking and baking, more people are discovering the array of benefits that come with milling your own flour right in your kitchen. Read on to learn why you should consider becoming your own miller!

Enjoy Fresher Flour

One of the biggest advantages of home milling is enjoying the freshness of flour milled minutes before it hits your dough or batter. Commercially milled flour can sit on shelves for months, slowly losing nutrients and flavor. Freshly milled flour imparts a lively, vibrant taste and texture. 

Better Nutrient Retention

Milling flour at home right before baking also allows for better nutrient retention compared to store-bought flour. Whole wheat kernels contain healthy oils that can turn rancid over time after milling. Milling yourself avoids pre-milled flour oxidation. More nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are preserved.

Save Money in the Long Run 

While home flour mills represent an upfront investment, over time you can save significantly by milling your own flour vs. buying bags at the store. Electric grain mills quickly pay for themselves, and being your own miller cuts flour costs dramatically.

Customise for Your Needs

Home milling means you can create customised flours exactly suited to your preferences, recipes, and dietary needs. Adjust mill settings to produce super-fine pastry flour or coarser, hearty bread flour. Include or exclude additives and enrichments. Accommodate allergies by milling your own.

Types of Home Mills

From electric appliances to classic manual mills, various flour mills are available for home use:

  • Famous Germany-made Mockmill grain mills boast stone burrs engineered to run cool and preserve nutrients.

Once you begin milling your own flour at home, you’ll discover and come to appreciate the many benefits, from enjoying fresher and healthier flour to creating customised blends. The investment in a quality home mill will open up new possibilities for all your homemade baked goods. Give it a try and see the difference home-milled flour can make!