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The Ultimate Guide to Benchtop Filtration

The Ultimate Guide to Benchtop Filtration

If your tap water has a bad taste and/or smell to it or you’re concerned about possible impurities, a benchtop water filter can be an affordable solution, fitting comfortably on your countertop. But are these small filtration systems worth the investment? Let’s take a look at the countertop water filter options and their pros and cons.

  • Gravity Water Filters: he easy way to get great-tasting water! Just pour in your tap water into the top chamber and let gravity do the work as it gently filters out impurities. With their simple design and effective filtration, these filters make clean water without the need to connect to a tap or power source.
  • Countertop Water Filter System: These sleek, convenient units sit right on your kitchen counter, while connected to your tap. They are easily installed and produce crisp and clean water on demand.
  • Reverse Osmosis: The reverse osmosis water filter Australia also need a connection to your tap. They are compact and using a membrane for purifying the water. Using cutting-edge technology, they remove even the tiniest impurities, delivering water that’s exceptionally clean. The only downside it the flow rate may be a bit slow.

What Benchtop Units Filter Out

Compact water dispensers with built-in filters, like the British Berkefeld countertop water filter system or Springflow by Megahome water distiller, make up the benchtop category. Countertop water filter systems effectively treat common water problems:

  • Improve taste and odour by reducing chlorine and sediment that cause unpleasant flavours and smells.
  • Remove potentially harmful contaminants like lead and other metals that may leach from old pipes.
  • Reduce levels of organic pollutants, pesticides, herbicides, and industrial chemicals that seep into tap water supplies.
  • Decrease or remove microorganisms like bacteria, protozoa, and viruses.
  • Can almost completely eliminate fluoride, arsenic, and other dissolved inorganic compounds. A best fluoride water filter is better for removing fluoride.

Benchtop Limitations

The downsides of benchtop models include:

  • Sometimes slower flow rate than water filter undersink
  • Taking up space on your benchtop
  • Limited filter capacity of usually 5 – 10 litres

Are countertop water filters worth it?

Like with most things this is personal choice. However, they work pretty well for many households because they provide:

  • Convenience and portability with easy access to filtered water for cooking and drinking. No more carrying of bottled water!
  • Initially higher purchase cost, which quickly amortizes and making it a more cost-effective option to bottled water.

So if you want basic water improvements without the commitment of under sink or whole house systems, a countertop model of any kind can be a practical choice to get cleaner and better-tasting water for drinking and cooking. They make purified water accessible and economical for renters, cautious spenders, or travelers.