Springflow Water Distiller
Manufactured by Megahome. Licenced & marketed in Australia & New Zealand as Springflow.
The Springflow water distiller is the one of the best benchtop distillers in Australia. This is the most durable, well built, home water distiller for sale on the market and if you’ve done your research you’ll already know it’s reputation. Enjoy this high quality Stainless Steel water distiller as it easily removes the Fluoride and PFAS from your water.
It’s simple to use, easy to clean, portable and conveniently produces the cleanest water at home for around 24 cents per litre. If you’re ready to buy a water distiller in Australia and get excellent customer service, you can’t beat the Springflow distiller.
No installation required. Just fill up, plug in and turn on.
- Perfect for cleaning water from your town supply, tank or bore water
- Produces 4 litres in 5.5 hours (approx. 24c/L)
- Automatic shut off once the cycle has completed
- Includes a 4 litre glass jug or BPA Free Plastic Jug for collection
- Includes a 6 month supply of Activated Carbon Filter sachets (valued $27) at to remove any VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds. eg. Chlorine)
- Includes a descaler and cleaner (valued $52) to keep the water distiller working at maximum efficiency
- Easily removes all toxins including chlorine & is an excellent fluoride water filter
- High grade Stainless Steel exterior finish
- High grade Stainless Steel under lid
- High grade Stainless steel boiling chamber
- High grade Stainless steel cooling coil
- 12 Month Warranty
- FREE DELIVERY for a limited time
This is the Springflow brand and is manufactured by Megahome in Taiwan. This is the exact model that is trusted and used by Doctors, Dentists & Vets to make distilled water in Australia.
Springflow Water Distiller Product Description
The water distiller will remove 99.5% of the toxins and pollutants listed below:
- Chlorine
- Flouride
- Lead
- Aluminium
- Cadmium
- Arsenic
- Sodium
- Hardness
- Pesticides
- Herbicides
- Nitrate
- Organics
- Phosphates
- Sediment
- Bacteria
- Giardia
- Cryptosporidium
- Viruses
- Sulphates
When distilling the water temperature is raised to boiling point which then produces steam and it evaporates from the surface of the water. The evaporation process removes organic dissolved solids, heavy metals and many other contaminants in the water.
The boiling and evaporation process will remove bacteria, viruses, giardia and cryptosporidium. These waste products will remain in the boiling chamber and can be easily cleaned using the descaler & cleaner supplied with your Springflow Water Distiller.
As the water evaporates it rises to the top of the boiling chamber and enters the stainless steel cooling coils. In the cooling coils the fan unit helps accelerate the coiling of the steam as it condenses back into water. The condensed water will now begin to drip into the glass or BPA free plastic collection jug via the nozzle.
The water distiller nozzle is lined with a ceramic insert that holds the supplied activated carbon filter sachets and is the final stage of water filtration. The activated carbon filter sachets should be replaced every month and are there to be used to remove an volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds such as Chlorine that have a lower boiling point than water.

Distillation Time:
Produces 4 litres of pure water in 5.5 hours
Carbon Filter Lifetime:
Each Carbon Filter Sachet lasts for a maximum of 30 days
Power Usage:
Safety Standard:
Model MH943/S has passed CE & AS/NZS 3350 Safety Standard. Approved for Medical Use.
Unit Type:
Distilled Water Machine
Water Distiller Package Contents

Why Choose the Springflow Water Distiller
- The Springflow Water Distiller is the original benchtop water distiller that has been copied many times by cheap imitations that can’t compete with the build quality and output of the Springflow Water Distiller. We know this distiller stacks up very well against any water distiller Bunnings has available.
- The boiling chamber and cooling coils are made from 304 stainless steel. The carbon filter sachet nozzle is lined with a ceramic insert and the distilled water is collected in a glass or BPA free plastic collection jug.
- The distilled water that the Springflow Water Distiller produces is consistently purer than it’s competitors. Using a TDS (total dissolved solids) meter you’ll find that Springflow consistently produces excellent results.
- Includes activated carbon filter sachets, descaler & cleaner & Australian power cords.
- Australian warranty support & repairs means your water distillers warranty is covered locally.
Free & Fast Shipping
We’ll get your water distiller shipped out as soon as possible. Once your order has left the warehouse we’ll send you the tracking information for the delivery.
Water Distiller 12 Month Warranty
The water distiller is supported by an Australian 12 month warranty covering all parts & labour.
How To Make Distilled Water
Using the home water distiller is the easiest way to make distilled water. Simply fill the boiling chamber to the full marker on the inside of the water distiller. Fit the head unit securely on top of the the distilled water machine. Switch on the power on the side of the unit and position the glass collection jug under the nozzle and in 5.5 hours you will have approximately 4 litres of distilled water. Distilled water that has had no contact with the air will usually have a ph 7. As the distilled water comes into contact with the environment around it, it will slowly absorb carbon dioxide, gradually lowering the distilled water ph.
Does Distillation Remove Minerals from the Water?
The process of distillation will remove everything (excluding trace amounts) that has a higher boiling point than water and therefore will be left behind when the water evaporates and then recondenses for collection. The only exception to this is compounds that have a lower boiling point than water because they will be evaporated before the water.
A well known example of this would be Chlorine. This is why the final stage of filtration using the activated carbon filter sachets is important. If you’re concerned about minerals being removed from the water then please use a remineralisation solution of your choice.
How to clean your Water Distiller
Cleaning your water distiller is very easy. In the water distiller package you’ll receive a descaler & cleaner that can be used to remove the build of scale on the inside of the boiling chamber of your water distiller. The best things to use to clean your water distiller are Citric Acid or Sulfamic Acid (Food Grade).
- Fill the water distiller until the built up scale on the inside of the boiling chamber is covered.
- Add approximately 1 tablespoon of the supplied Citric Acid or Sulfamic Acid.
- Connect the water distiller to the mains power and turn on.
- Ensure that you leave the coiling head unit off so that the water is just boiling away.
- Leave to boil for 20 minutes to 1 hour depending on how much scale you have.
- Turn off the water distiller and empty the water.
- Wipe out the boiling chamber and rinse with clean water.
- If you find that you still have some scale on the inside of your boiling chamber, simply repeat the process once again.
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